Tổng hợp một số thư viện jQuery hay sử dụng: fancybox, wow + animation, typedJS, fullpageJS, bxSlider...
1. FancyBox
JavaScript lightbox library for presenting various types of media. Responsive, touch-enabled and customizable.2. wow + animation
Là sự kết hợp giữa wow.js và thư viện animation.css được viết sẵn các kịch bản. Khi bạn scroll website thì jQuery sẽ bắt sự kiện và kích hoạt chuyển động, các đối tượng sẽ chuyển động và diễn hoạt với sự hỗ trợ của CSS3 Animation và CSS3 Transition.3. TypedJS
Typed.js is a library that types. Enter in any string, and watch it type at the speed you've set, backspace what it's typed, and begin a new sentence for however many strings you've set.4. Fullpage.JS
Create Beautiful Fullscreen Scrolling Websites.5. bxSlider
Add a slider to any webpage.6. jQuery countTo Plugin
jQuery countTo is a jQuery plugin that will count up (or down) to a target number at a specified speed, rendered within an HTML DOM element.7. Animated Skill Bar and Progress Bar with jQuery & CSS3
Create simple animated Skill Bar / Progress Bar in two lines of jQuery code.8. jQuery MagicLine Navigation
The idea is to have a highlight of some kind (a background or an underline) follow you around as you mouse over the different links in the navigation. This will happen with jQuery and it's animation abilities. As such, the "magic line" will only be appended via JavaScript. Once added to the list and styled, as you mouse over the different links, it figures out the left positioning and the width and animates to match.8.1. Magic Line Menu sub Menu
9. jQuery Zoom
A plugin to enlarge images on touch, click, or mouseover.10. Colorbox - a jQuery lightbox
A lightweight customizable lightbox plugin for jQuery11. Autosize Textarea Height
A small, stand-alone script to automatically adjust textarea height.12. Tooltipster
A flexible and extensible jQuery plugin for modern tooltips. Simple enough for everyone, powerful enough for everything.13. Bootstrap Switch
Bootstrap Switch turn checkboxes and radio buttons into toggle switches.14. Switchery
Switchery is a simple component that helps you turn your default HTML checkbox inputs into beautiful iOS 7 style switches in just few simple steps. You can easily customize switches, so that they match your design perfectly.15. Select2
The jQuery replacement for select boxes, Select2 gives you a customizable select box with support for searching, tagging, remote data sets, infinite scrolling, and many other highly used options. Example16. TweenMax
Ultra high-performance, professional-grade animation for the modern web17. Sweet Alert
SweetAlert makes popup messages easy and pretty.18. Nifty Modal Window Effects
A set of experimental modal window appearance effects with CSS transitions and animations.19. Isotope
Filter & sort magical layouts20. jQuery.Lazy()
A lightweight but powerful delayed content, image and background lazy-loading plugin for jQuery & Zepto21. noUiSlider
Lightweight JavaScript range slider with full touch support22. AOS
Tạo hiệu ứng xuất hiện khi lăn chuột.
Một số thư viện jQuery hay dùng
Reviewed by kentrung
November 20, 2017
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